I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and a runny nose. Not fun! When this happens, I reach for my go-to morning elixir. Super easy and excellent results!

Take the largest glass that you have and add the following:
juice from 1 or 2 organic lemons
cold water (fill to half)
boiled water that has cooled a little (fill the remaining half)
1 teaspoon unpasteurized honey
1 teaspoon Vitamin C crystals (1000mg), optional
Drink this fairly quickly, while it is still warm. Drink another glass of warm water soon after.
I usually start to feel quite warm and often I start to sweat. I get back in to bed and stay as warm as possible for about 30 minutes…or more, if you can. At this point, I feel much, much better and continue with my day.
Of course, I ensure that I am drinking a lot of water, eating mostly fresh fruits and vegetables the rest of the day. I will often repeat this drink later in the day.
Thanks for reading!