Ingredients: 1 large mango
Several handfuls of fresh spinach or kale 2T raw cacao powder 1 tsp chia seeds or ground flax seeds(optional) water as needed or fresh almond mylk
In a blender, place items in order; mango, cacao, chia (if using), and spinach
Blend until smooth, adding water as needed or fresh almond mylk
Serve immediately
Serves 1
Adventurous Variations: -use pineapple instead of mango -add fresh blueberries or raspberries -add ½ tsp vanilla -add 1 tsp maca powder -add your favourite protein powder
Thanks for reading!
Chocolate Green Delight
Author: Barbara Dolan
Recipe type: Drinks
Cuisine: Vegan
Prep time: 5 mins
Total time: 5 mins
Serves: 1 serving
1 large mango
Several handfuls of fresh spinach or kale
2T raw cacao powder
1 tsp chia seeds or ground flax seeds(optional)
water as needed or fresh almond mylk
In a blender, place items in order; mango, cacao, chia (if using), and spinach
Blend until smooth, adding water as needed or fresh almond mylk
Serve immediately
Serves 1